
  1. 1
    Rock My Hologram  (Si Begg's We Are Future Mix)
  2. 2
    Higher Higher  (Offshore Remix)
  3. 3
    Higher Higher  (Revox)
  4. 4
    Rock My Hologram  (Si Begg's Lost In The Hologram Mix)
  5. 5
    Rock My Hologram  (Si Begg's Pleasure Principle Mix)
  6. 6
    Rock My Hologram  (Si Begg's Lost In The Hologram Mix Instrumental)
  7. 7
    Rock My Hologram  (Si Begg's We Are Future Mix Instrumental)
  8. 8
    Rock My Hologram  (Si Begg's Pleasure Principle Mix Instrumental)
  9. 9
    Higher Higher  (Offshore Remix Instrumental)
    Play All (9)

Higher Higher / Rock My Hologram
by Juice Aleem

— Released 1st March 2010

Higher Higher / Rock My Hologram
by Juice Aleem

— Released 1st March 2010



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MP3 (BDDNL159)
16-bit WAV (BDDNL159W)



Add this album to your Spotify account now

You will be asked to login with your Spotify Account

Read our Terms & Conditions about this service here

MP3 (BDDNL159)
16-bit WAV (BDDNL159W)


  1. 1
    Rock My Hologram (Si Begg's We Are Future Mix)
  2. 2
    Higher Higher (Offshore Remix)
  3. 3
    Higher Higher (Revox)
  4. 4
    Rock My Hologram (Si Begg's Lost In The Hologram Mix)
  5. 5
    Rock My Hologram (Si Begg's Pleasure Principle Mix)
  6. 6
    Rock My Hologram (Si Begg's Lost In The Hologram Mix Instrumental)
  7. 7
    Rock My Hologram (Si Begg's We Are Future Mix Instrumental)
  8. 8
    Rock My Hologram (Si Begg's Pleasure Principle Mix Instrumental)
  9. 9
    Higher Higher (Offshore Remix Instrumental)
    Play All (9)